A story of vision, innovation and timing

A story of vision, innovation and timing


The beginning

Two partners, Luciano Fecondini and Andrea Bocchi, founded Medica S.r.l. in 1985. This was the result of their previously long collaboration at Hospal Dasco, where they cemented a common vision and project.

Their expertise and spirit of innovation soon made them into some of the prime world consultants to the largest manufacturers of dialysis and infusion disposable products.

Founder Tecnoideal

"Hold the vision, trust the process."

Innovation and timing

Together with studies and consultancy, Medica is commonly asked by its clients where they can find the technology required to implement the findings. From the beginning the two partners realized the importance of offering a complete service, including research and project completion technology.

In 1990 this vision became reality, thanks to the acquisition of Tecnoideal, a company located near Modena specializing in machinery production and automation. From then on, Tecnoideal has become today's company. At the forefront of technological innovation, producing a wide array of machines to satisfy the needs of producers of disposable medical devices.
Thus, the founding partners can now offer a comprehensive innovation package to companies producing medical devices, from component R&D to automated production lines.

disposable medical devicesdisposable medical devices

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.”

Jack Welch

Our first product: the dispenser

In the early '90s Medica and Tecnoideal applied their joint experience to the development of an innovative technology, which allowed the precise dosing and distribution of solvents within the gluing areas between lengths of tubing and plastic molded components. The dispenser eliminated dangerous contaminations, direct contact with the operators and material wastage. It was the first step of an evolutionary process repeated hundreds of millions of times every year.

In the following years, Medica/Tecnoideal dispensers acquired an almost iconic value, confirming the group's role as field leader worldwide.

The new dispenser improves the working conditions of disposable device assemblers.

More about the dispenser  

first product: the dispenserfirst product

"An invention has to make sense in the world it finishes in, not in the world it started."

Tim O’Reilly


Tecnoideal's growth and success coincided with a time of strong international demand, and the company quickly developed a client portfolio which included both domestic and foreign makers. The attention paid to foreign markets soon became the company's trademark, driving further diversification and the development of a wide package of technological solutions.

By founding Technomed (US branch), Tecnoideal came a step closer to its US clients, establishing itself as a strategic supplier to several medical multinationals.

Tecnoideal USA

"We assumed the risk of developing unexplored technologies."

Andrea Bocchi


Tecnoideal's epochal ideas are the direct heirs of the initial vision shared by Medica's two founders: develop a process, finding solutions both practical and effective.
Progress in dialysis, filtration and infusion techniques has generated new production needs.

Tecnoideal is often first-to-market, anticipating such needs with dedicated machinery that reflects the results of the final product R&D.

evolution of Tecnoideal productsevolution of Tecnoideal products

"We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down."

Kurt Vonnegut 


Tecnoideal has contributed several innovations, applying them to:

  • Tube cutting machines
  • Leak and obstruction testing equipment
  • Coiling machines before set packaging and sterilization
  • Automation of continuous production of disposable complete sets

Andrea Bocchi has acquired a wide experience in the automation field, to be further developed thanks to Tecnoideal's acquisition.

Discover Tecnoideal's products  

Tecnoideal automationTecnoideal automation

"Experience and history are the springboard for our current growth. Our capability to face future challenges depends on solid guidelines and challenging goals."


Tecnoideal  world-wide

Since the early '90s, Tecnoideal has aimed to acquire a global presence, animated by the Italian and European supply chain strong development.
At the beginning, Tecnoideal's expansion was linked to Middle East markets.
In 1995, Tecnoideal established Technomed, its US branch. This milestone marks the company's successful entry in the US market.
In 2019, the company branched out again, founding Shanghai Tecnoideal Asia. The goal was extremely challenging: to bring Tecnoideal's exclusive innovations and know-how to the Far East markets.
See our commercial network  

Tecnoideal in the world Tecnoideal Asia

"Strategy without process is little more than a wish list"

Robert Filek

The future

Tecnoideal has set very high performance targets in order to consolidate and expand its presence in the world of single use medical devices. To achieve such goals, the company has adopted and is regularly updating its strategic plan.

The next challenges to be met include new technologies, product innovation, long-term R&D co-operation projects, introduction of more stringent qualitative standards for the assembly of disposable medical devices.

Logo Tecnoideal

"Copies are tales from the past, inventions are the paths we carve towards the future"
Luciano Fecondini